Building a small terminal-based chatbot app with OpenAI.
In this tutorial, we'll delve into creating your first AI-powered apps using Ruby, Langchain.rb library and OpenAI's GPTPT-4 API.
We'll create a terminal-based chatbot that allows you to OpenAI'S GPT-4. This chatbot will be able to process user inputs and generate relevant, context-aware responses.
1. First, we'll need to create a ruby file. Let's call this chat.rb
2. What we want to do next is import the necessary libraries
require "openai"
require "langchain"
require "reline"
OpenAI: The openai library is a Ruby client for interacting with OpenAI's API.
Langchain: Langchain is a Ruby library designed for building language applications.
reline: Reline is a Ruby library used for readline-compatible input in command-line applications.
3. Create an instance of Langchain::LLM::OpenAI
. This class is a wrapper around OpenAI's API, specifically tailored for language models (LLMs).
Side Note: The great thing with Langchain.rb is it supports other models, too, offering flexibility to switch between different AI models based on requirements.
4. Chat Interaction
# What we'll do next is to Define a method to prompt for and handle user messages
def prompt_for_message
# Print instructions for multiline input
puts "(multiline input; type 'end' on its own line when done. or exit to exit)"
# Read multiline input from the user, checking if the last word is a termination keyword
user_message = Reline.readmultiline("Question: ", true) do |multiline_input|
last = multiline_input.split.last # Get the last word of the input
DONE.include?(last) # Check if the last word is a termination keyword
# Return a no-operation symbol if there is no user message
return :noop unless user_message
# Process the multiline input to handle the termination keyword
lines = user_message.split("\n")
if lines.size > 1 && DONE.include?(lines.last)
# Remove the "done" keyword from the message
user_message = lines[0..-2].join("\n")
# Check if the user wants to exit the program
return :exit if DONE.include?(user_message.downcase)
# Return the processed user message
The method prompt_for_message
, handles multiline user inputs and implements commands for ending the input or exiting the program. The commands are: "done", "end", "eof", and "exit".
5. Interactive Loop
# Our next step is to create infinite loop to continuously handle user input
loop do
user_message = prompt_for_message # We get the user message using the defined method above
# Handle different cases of user message
case user_message
when :noop # If no operation, continue to the next iteration of the loop
when :exit # If exit, break the loop to end the program
# Using Langchain's instance method 'message, we send the user message to OpenAI and print the OpenAI's response
puts chat.message(user_message)
# Lastly, we handle the Interrupt exception to gracefully exit the program if interrupted (e.g., Ctrl+C)
rescue Interrupt
exit 0
The code continuously fetches user messages and uses chat.message
to obtain and display responses from the AI, creating a dynamic conversation flow.
Full code of chatbot.rb
require "openai"
require "langchain"
require "reline"
Langchain.logger.level = :info
openai =
api_key: ENV["OPENAI_API_KEY"], # Use the OpenAI API key from the environment variable
llm_options: {}, # Options for the language learning model (empty in this case)
default_options: { chat_completion_model_name: "gpt-4" } # Set GPT-4 as the default chat model
chat = openai)
chat.set_context("You are a chatbot from the future") # Set the context of the conversation
DONE = %w[done end eof exit].freeze
puts "Welcome to the chatbot from the future!"
def prompt_for_message
puts "(multiline input; type 'end' on its own line when done. or exit to exit)"
user_message = Reline.readmultiline("Question: ", true) do |multiline_input|
last = multiline_input.split.last # Get the last word of the input
DONE.include?(last) # Check if the last word is a termination keyword
return :noop unless user_message
lines = user_message.split("\n")
if lines.size > 1 && DONE.include?(lines.last)
user_message = lines[0..-2].join("\n")
return :exit if DONE.include?(user_message.downcase)
loop do
user_message = prompt_for_message
case user_message
when :noop
when :exit
puts chat.message(user_message)
rescue Interrupt
exit 0
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